Download the driver package Downloads/DriverPackage
- The driver Package will install a system service that runs the driver setup
- The file exporter.xml that is linked in the windows start menu can be edited and the windows server restarted (if you have a registered editor for .xml files, otherwise you need to open it manually)
OPC Driver
- Ensure that your OPC server is remotely accessible
Download and install the driverPackage from (starting with version 1.0.8)
Download and install the Admin Client (OSTC –
- Create a new Connection in OSTC (da:net://localhost:12027)
- Edit the exporter.xml configuration from the driver package (either using link in the start menu, or manually)
- Change the user, password and domain
- Restart the openSCADA Windows Service
- Start OSTC, connect to da:net://localhost:12027 and browse through the tree
If you need some DCOM help, you should also have a look at: