

Release Information


New Features

Callback SystemThe services and network protocol gained a new feature. The "callback system". The server can call back to the client and request further information or confirmation. For example the logon process now can ask for a username and password. A write command ask for a confirmation dialog. So it also is no longer necessary to store the username:password information in the URI.
Authorization using PKI – including PKCS11 & PKCS12Using the new callback system openSCADA can also request the client to sign operations. The signature is done using the XMLSig standard. Using authorization rules, the server decides which operation needs to be signed. Using the new callback system the server can request a signature from the client, which is then passed on to the end user which can select a crypto device (like USB Token) or key file for signing the request. Also it is possible to use the Windows Crypto Storage on win32 systems.


No more ".git" extension for checked out projectsSince git automatically removes the ".git" extension we changed our build scripts to respect that. It sure was easy to identify a git repository in the workspace by the ".git" extension. But we go with the default now.
Provide Target Platform FilesStarting with openSCADA 1.1 we will provide target platform files which make it a lot easier to set up an Eclipse workspace for openSCADA.
Update external components

openSCADA 1.1 uses:

  • Eclipse 3.8.2: including EMF 2.8.3, GEF 3.8.2

Also we will remove/replace unused libraries. We will try to only use external bundles from the Eclipse Orbit repository.

Remove non-core bundles

There are some bundles which were needed in some customer projects, which might be useful for some other users, but are not really a core part of openSCADA (for instance all the spring integration bundles). They will not disappear, but will be moved to a contrib feature/repository.

See The "contrib" project

Clean up dependencies

Spring and its dependencies have all been moved to the contrib repository in order to clean up a mess of external dependencies.

Also the osgi.enterprise bundle is imported now from Eclipse Gemini (http://www.eclipse.org/gemini/dbaccess/) instead of the one from openSCADA.

Tycho Build / Maven

We added the necessary configuration (POM Files) for the Tycho Build to build the projects: aurora, utgard, oxygen and atlantis. Others will follow in the future.

So now it is possible to build an openSCADA based application using Maven. Although there are some restrictions to that and we also will keep the PDE build as our primary build. The snapshot and release repository are located at http://repo.openscada.org/maven/

Bug Fixes

Issues solved in 1.1.0 (${numIssues} issues)

key summary type status resolution

And of course several other issued not tracked in JIRA.