

You will need:

Getting the source

Clone the openSCADA "Contrib" repository:

git clone -b 1.1 git://

Change to the project "org.openscada.contrib.epanet.simulator" and build it using ant:

cd org.openscada.contrib/org.openscada.contrib.epanet.simulator
ant -f build.ant

This will automatically download, compile and run the openSCADA EPANET Hydraulic Simulator.

Using it

You can now start OSTC and connect to "da:ngp://localhost:2102" and check out the simulated values.


Drag the following items from the browser to a realtime list:

Select T1.volume and T2.volume in the realtime list and select "View as Chart" from the context menu.

Now right click in the item "PUMP2.start" on the browser and select "Write Operation..." and write any value. PUMP2 will then start pumping.


The directory "configuration" holds the configuration files for the EPANET Simulator ("inp" file) and the driver instance ("xml" file).


The core simulation of this driver is based on the "Baseform EPANET Java Library" ( implemented by and released under the GPLv3.

Since openSCDA is released under the LGPv3 we cannot provide a binary distribution. Yet you may use the source code for yourself and play around with it. But you need to compile it yourself. With the instructions above, this should be a rather easy task.